What to do, when you are broke.

Smart Emovon
3 min readJun 13, 2019


Manipulated stock image by me

The entrepreneur’s life from the beginning is not as easy as I thought it would be. What were my thoughts? I was hoping as I dished out opportunities, offers and packaged myself that more clients would come and more money will roll in. The twist? It’s not working at all..

Funny question like, should I get a day job to ensure that I don’t go broke or what? Bills aren’t smiling man and this has nothing to do with being an entrepreneur. In the meantime, I’ve done some things and they are becoming a part of me when I’m broke.

Mind you being broke doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t have money, it means you don’t have liquid cash to spend. Obviously I have my savings on lock with Cowrywise, I can’t touch it till the due date which I’ve extended twice & I get 10–15% on it. Cool right? I know.

So what do I do?

iREAD: I’ve not been a fan of books or reading something that’s extremely long. Are you like me? Cool! There’s a way I fixed that. Most times it’s because what we read is of no interest to us. I found out the kind of books or articles that get me going are either about Faith (not all writers though), business strategy, Motivational, Advertising or Money management *winks*.

So far I’ve read 4 books this year and counting all because I told myself to stop reading books that I don’t find interesting. Reading has broadened my vocabulary and my way of thinking especially. I usually have a new way of attack or defense to the challenges of life, and doing this when you’re broke prepares you for when you have money on you.

iSTRATEGIZE: A comedian said one of the best times you have great ideas is when you’re broke/hungry. Ponder a little… Because in those moments you’ll be finding a way out of it!
So you’re craving for pizza like me and there’s no cash…

mind you “Never borrow to spend or enjoy life” #ATipfulEveryday

you begin to find ways of generating more income. Strategizing just like reading prepares you for what to do when money comes in.

iLEARN & iSHARPEN UP: Well if you begin to read and strategize already you’d be pushed to learn. Asides that, you can choose to learn consciously and increase your value pending when you’ve get that job or contract that will bring in the money you want. People pay for value they see, 5 years ago the value I presented is nothing compared to what I give now…the difference? Learning. Learning something valuable makes you worth a lot more than yesterday. Sharpening your skill makes you remain fresh for the market!

iCOMMUNE BETTER: This may sound like you don’t commune when you aren’t broke, NO. I believe God deserves uninterrupted time with us unlike being in a hurry when you have deadlines or the office to meet up with. One way to fix that thought is to ensure you’re not communing because you want the blessings. Commune without seeking the benefits of what He can do. Obviously there are benefit but the difference is “your motive”.


iREST & iVISIT FRIENDS: Often times in these moments of hustle we only use tech to catch up with our friends and ignore the power of physical communication. Where we are not just responding and using emojis but making eye contact, reading body language and hearing an filtered tone of voice. Now that you have free time do that take a NAP! Thanks Precious U. for reminding me! Science has shown us that we need to rest. Left to me I’ll need more hours to work because those number of hours really are loooooooong.

But truly, these are usually my best times to stay away from hustle and just be a log of wood, rest my brain, rest my veins and clear my head.

Yes! That’s it! I’m glad you’ve read up to this point…Hope you learnt something new. I’ll be glad to learn from you too in the comments section.

Cheers to the future.



Smart Emovon
Smart Emovon

Written by Smart Emovon

LED Bulb @ Crebulbs, Host & Curator of #7DaysWritingQuest My Medium: My Experiences, Discoveries & Inspirations || Follow up #ATipfulEveryday